

最近「Sound」のページに、自分の録音をアップロードしはじめました。この4年間ほどの間、いろいろなアイデアがあってもなかなか それを形にする時間や力がなかった、それにここ1年でフルートやクラリネットといった新しい楽器にも取り組み始めたことで、演奏したい音楽の幅が広がった こともあって、こうして時間のできた1,2か月の間にいろいろひとりで自分の中にあったものを形にしはじめました。本当は、誰かと一緒に演奏してそれを録 音したいけど、今はその前段階として、アイデアを明確にする意味で必要なステップと感じながらひとり録音に取り組んでいます。未だに自分のアルバムがない 私、以前ミュージシャンの友人に、「自分のアルバムを出せ、でないと世の中の人はお前の音楽を全く知る機会がない」、と言われたことがあります、当時毎日 のように世界中の大きなジャズフェスや立派なシアターで演奏する機会に恵まれていたにも関わらず。それは誰かのバンドのメンバーとしての演奏でしたから、 やはりそれは自分の音楽とは言えなかったのかも知れないな、と今は実感できます。


Dec 17th 2015

I started to upload my recordings on "Sound" page in this website recently. I hadn't have enough time and ability to do it for last 4 years, and new instrument such as flute and clarinet gave me new ideas of my music, so now it's time for me to create and express my own stuffs, I've been working on it for these one or two months. Honestly I'd like to record them with my friends of musicians but I'm convincing myself to compromise my desire to do it by myself because this is a situation to prepare for the real recordings coming in the future. I never had my own music album yet. One of my frind of musician told me, "You should have your own recordings right now, other wise nobody is able to know your music", he told me it even though back then I was always playing at big Jazz Fes all over the world and great theatres. Those occasions were the ones I performed as a side musician, now I understand what my friend said, those were not still my own music.  

Nothing to do with this topic but this is a picture I took when my city of residence Sakura city had JIdai Festival in which people enjoys Cos-play of Edo era that was about 300 years ago, which was really fun to see. I might be going to be a samurai next year.

Jidai matsuri




Dec 9th 2015

The city of my residence, Sakura city had a Classic car festival on last Dec 5th, that made ordinary scenery that I see when I'm just taking a walk in my neighbor into car museum! I used to love cars so much that I could recall a lot of imported car's name, this festival remind me that excitement I had in my childhood. Llong long ago.




私の住んでいる佐倉市は国際空港のある成田市のお隣、そして成田には外国人のお客さんがよく来るバーや飲食店がそこそこあります。有名 な成田山新勝寺に向かう参道に、僕の大好きなジャーマンワイスビアを置いてるバーがあって、思わず立ち寄りました。「Paulaner(ポーラーナー)」 を飲む私。日本でも気軽にワイスが飲めるようになたらいいなー!ちなみに私が家で愛飲しているのは日本ビールがベルギーから輸入している「白濁(しろにご り)」というビールです、比較的リーズナブルでなかなか美味しいです。

Dec 1st 2015

My place of residence Sakura city is next to Narita city that has an international airport. Narita has pretty good numbers of bars and diners with foreighners hunging out. On the front approach to famous Shinshoji shrine I found a bar that has German Weiss beer, could help getting in and drinking them. Me with a pint glass of German weizen Paulaner. I wish I can enjoy one of those stuffs dayly, easily in Japan.  As a matter of fact the one I habitaly drinking in my house on the table of dinner is called "Shironigori" imported from Belgium by Nippon Beer which is prettey reasonable and very tasty.




November 27th 2015

My new neighborhood is surrounded by really attractive landscapes, this is a picture of the slope secluded from human dwellings called "Hiyodorizaka" that is near by the famous samurai house in Sakura city, Chiba prefecture. Slightly dark even in the mid of the day, cool even in the mid of Summer. You wanna be here once, don't you?

FMjaga with Urashima san


March 17th 2015

I had an opportinity to be on the program of Radio station "FM-JAGA". First pic with Mr. Urashima, former president of the station, the president of english school in Obihiro city and photograher. Second with Miho san, DJ of the program I attend. Great Tokachi prefecture!

FMjaga with Miho san



August 12th 2014

This is a picture of my carry-on suitescase that has been always together with me through these few years of tough world tour. It's just passed the baton to it's successor that has exact same design with different color. Thank you very much for your support, rest in peace.


地中海のコルシカ島にいますが、今日の昼ついて、明日の朝にはパリに戻ります、なんてもったいないんでしょう!個人のお宅おドレスアッ プルームに提供していただいているのですが、こんな風に海のすぐ間際にプールのある素敵なお屋敷でした。ところで、近頃はツアーばかりでサックスのリード を十分に準備する時間がないのが悩みでしたが、グラスファイバーでできたものを使い始めて随分助かっています。人工的なグラスファイバーでさえリードに個 体差がありますが、それでもかなり標準化されていて楽です、慣れるのに少し心構えが要りますが。以前にも試したことはありますが、その時は抵抗が弱く感じ られてだめでした。今はアルトにしては比較的大きな開きのリードを使っているおかげで合うのかもしれません(AizenというマウスピースもNYモデルの 9番を使っています)。Fibracellというブランドです。さて、珍しく音楽や仕事に関係ある話題でしたが、これからは少しづつそういった話題もこの 日記に書いてみようかと思っています、なぜならFacebookなどとは違って、私の日記にご興味のある方しかここには訪れないでしょうから。

June 24th 2014

I'm at Corsseca island, just got here this afternoon and will leave here next morning, just so wasteful! A person contributed this personal house as our dressing room that is so gorgeous with a swimming pool right beside the sea. By the way, recently lack of the time to prepare for saxophone reeds has been bothering me but started to use ones made of glassfiber, which is helping me a lot. Those artificial stuffs still has unevenness problem but much better in that respect than natural reeds, takes an attitude for the difference between both, though. I tried glassfiber reeds before as well but at the time I couldn't be used to it cuz feeling too week for sturdiness, but now I'm using a mouthpiece that has pretty big opening for alto, maybw that helps. (using Aizen NY No.9) Fibracell is the name of those reeds. Anyway I used to avoid topics of music and my proffession, but I might gonna start to do so cuz here on my website visiters should be just like they are curious about what I said, not like Facebook or some.



May 27th 2014

The height you'll achieve is fixed by the amount how many times you've failed and been embarrased. Desire to go higher and further all the time.


ああ、日記をかきつづけるのって、なんて難しいんでしょう!きっと読者の皆さんへの感謝の気持ちを忘れているんですよね。。。久しぶり の更新になってしまいました。先月のニューヨークでのお休みの日に訪れた、ブルックリンボタニカルガーデンの桜の写真です。綺麗でしょう?ここには日本庭 園があるのです。是非とも観に行ってみてください。桜の時期は素晴らしいですが、きっとそれ以外の時期もいいと思います。

May 15th 2014

Oh, how hard it is to keep on writing diary in regular basis...  I must have forgotten the gratitude for loyal visiters of my site. This is an update after a while. This is a picture of cherry blossom blooming in Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Beautiful isn't it? This is a pic from Japanese garden in the park, please visit tbere at least once, don't have to say it's great to be there on cherry blossom period, but also great on other seasons. I'll be there again soon.

2014 年3月27日

イタリアのロベリートからヴェローナに移動する道で、たくさんの美しい景色にめぐり逢いました。アルプスの山々、清らかで水量豊かに ゆっくりと渓谷を流れる川、ワイン畑、澄み渡った空。車窓から眺めているだけで、心身ともに癒やされていくのがわかりました。微笑みを止めることができませんで した。。

March 27th 2014

On the way to Verona from Robereto, Italy I was enjoying beautiful landscape so much. Great Alps mountain, river run through the vally with plenty and transparent water, vineyards,and  clear sky. I felt my body and spirit healed just by watching those. I was so mesmerized that I couldn't stop smiling.


2014 年2月25日


February 25th 2014

Article about our Grammy wiining on Hokkaido Newspaper on January 28th. Thank you very much, everybody.(Japanese only)

2014 年2月16日
ny town hall

昨晩はニューヨークのタウンホール、今晩はシカゴのシンフォニーホールで演奏しました。どちらも歴史あるホールです。タウンホールとい うと、昔よく見たDVD、「One Night with Bluenote」を思い出します。たくさんのジャズ・ヒーロー達が一同に介した名門ブルーノートレーベル主催のコンサートフィルムです。シカゴシンフォ ニーホールといえば、有名なシカゴ交響楽団の本拠地ですよね。華やかなブラスセクションが聴こえ、力強いゲオルク・ショルティの指揮が目に浮かびます。 ヨーロッパの劇場はもちろん素晴らしいですが、アメリカにもすごい劇場がたくさんありますね。

February 16th 2014

Last night we were performing at Town Hall NY and tonight at Chicago Symphony Hall. Both of them are really historical. Town Hall reminds me aDVD titled "One Night with Blunote", that was filming Blunote aniversary concert in which a lot of jazz heroes were performing. Chicago Symphony Hall gives me an image of strong brass section of Chicago symphony orchestra and Sir Georg Solti who was the regular conductor of it. As you know there are a lot of great theatre in Europe, but so America has ones, too.

chicago sym hall

2014 年2月7日
on the ship


February 7th 2014

At Bahama beach I was trying to suck energy from nature by pausing same thing as before. lol. I came back to NYC about a week ago but still am like soaking in a lingering sound of the trip. Of course, music on the ship was great, too. Isn't it great that this gorgeous stage exist on the sea?


2014 年2月6日
on the ship


February 6th 2014

Right after that my hat was blown away by strong sea wind. Seems like long way to go to be a master...

2014 年1月31日
on the ship


January 31th 2014

I barely started this diary again after a long while. Now I'm on the cruise ship on which I had gigs. The Caribien Ocean. Tryin' to pause Energy-absorbing posture that my great chiropractic mentor Mr. Kokuzawa told me, but I'm too awkward too be cool.

2012 年6月30日AM11:40
Dawn at paris


June 30th 2012 11:40AM

After the gig at Montreal Jazz Festival in Canada, we were on the flight to Paris France. Just several minutes before landing, almost right above Paris, I saw such beautiful dawn.

2012 年6月19日PM9:20
Greg at Zurich

先 日ヨーロッパに演奏ツアーから帰ってきましたがあちらでは楽しい時間を過ごしました。2日くらいお休みの日もあって、そのうち1日はスイスのチューリッヒ で過ごしました。水のきれいなきれいな街でした。写真はバンドリーダーのグレッグ・ポーター(vo)。美しい川に魅せられています。

June 19th 2012 9:20PM

I just came back from Europe tour and had a nice time there. We had a couple of day off and one of them we were at Zurich, Switerland, which has beautiful water scenery. Greg Porter(vo), our band leader is in this picture, mesmerized by very beautiful river.